Technology and Data

We possess the expertise and specialized knowledge required to provide consultancy to technology users and vendors regarding the rights, requirements, and legal risks related to: e-commerce and banking transactions; electronic signatures and digital contracts; digital consumers; remote working and secure work tools; privacy and protection of personal info; impact of rights on social networks or digital platforms; collaborative economy services; legal protection of innovation and knowledge; information security and cybersecurity; artificial intelligence, automated decisions and algorithms; digital identity, blockchain, and smart contracts; the internet of things; internet governance and human rights; cryptoassets and fintech regulatory compliance and prevention, among others. This allows us to provide comprehensive services, incorporating the technical-legal aspects that will serve as inputs for the design of the legal strategy for the protection or defense of rights as well as for the creation of regulatory compliance and prevention programs that ensure the responsible utilization of technologies.

Area Services


Consultancy on risk prevention and regulatory compliance related to technology.


Consultancy and preparation of contracts for the protection of innovation and the transfer of technology.


Technical-legal analysis of risks and impact on technology rights.


Technical-legal analysis of IT risks, information security and resilience.


Impact assessments on privacy and data protection.


Technical-legal advice for the defense of rights and dispute resolution.