Constitutional and Government

This area comprises the diagnosis and forward-looking analyses of constitutional disputes, the defense of constitutional rights through writs of amparo and habeas corpus, the drafting of opinions on new standards and projects or the preparation of proposals for new regulatory and legal regulation, the design and consultation of public policies, as well as providing technical consultancy to the entities responsible for approving legislation.

Administrative Law and Regulated Markets

This area comprises consultancy and representation services in procedures and appeals lodged with administrative authorities and regulatory entities. It further comprises consultancy for the fulfillment of tax obligations and for procuring the fiscal benefits bestowed by applicable laws, as well as the design and implementation of alternatives to achieve operational and fiscal efficiency. We also offer assistance in complying with consumer regulations with regards to advertising, labeling, and forward-looking analyses of systematic findings or observations.

Technology and Data

The impact of technologies on businesses and activities is also diverse and ever-changing. That is why our specialized areas of legal practice interact amongst themselves to provide consultancy services to our clients in a comprehensive manner by adopting the cross-cutting approach that is so characteristic of current technologies.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

We focus on avoiding disputes from arising in the first place. However, we acknowledge that, when engaging in local and international trade, differences may always arise which demand streamlined and efficient solutions that provide a neutral scenario.


In recent years, the topics of Corporate Governance and Corporate Responsibility have become essential for all types of entities, both in the business world and in public administration. In a global environment of uncertainty such as the one we currently face, the proper treatment of these areas contributes to generating confidence in the market and acting in a more efficient and socially responsible manner.

Consumer Law

The massification of commercial transactions and the need to streamline and simplify them, as well as the growing complexity and specialization thereof, makes the updating of consumer protection regulations and procedures become increasingly relevant with each passing day in order to counteract any existing inequality between consumers and vendors, and to impose limitations on discretionary actions. These aspects, in turn, constitute an important and sometimes complex factor for business competitiveness, both economically and in terms of quality, due to the implicit asymmetry in information.

Administration and Public Policies

Government decisions continually shape the environment in which individuals and companies operate. Business activity is closely linked to multiple government functions, with special emphasis on those carried out by Public Administration, both at the central and local levels. There is no industry or sector of the economy that is not influenced by the promotion, protection, authorization, regulation, and surveillance activities of Public Administration.


We acknowledge that it is not always possible to avoid litigation, and that when litigation arises our clients demand the best possible representation. We understand that the trading of goods and services often entails the need to go to judicial courts to file contractual and non-contractual claims pertaining to corporate matters, strategic alliances, unfair competition and intellectual property rights, corporate affairs, and banking and insurance. The same thing happens in relations between employers and workers, and between citizens and public authorities.

Tax Law

Tax regulation and its application is constantly changing, and nowadays an increasing number of countries are working together to gather and share information on their taxpayers, which has an impact on how markets, companies, and clients operate and how the Tax Administration oversees them. Amidst this environment of changing legislation and new ways of carrying out transactions, clients wish to have clarity on the rules that apply to them in order to comply with their tax obligations in a fair and timely fashion, and to conduct their operations in a manner that is efficient from a fiscal and operational perspective.

International Trade

It is an indisputable fact that international trading activities have displayed a high level of development in recent decades, which is characterized by significant changes with regards to traditional participants, to market rules and, in particular, to the legal instruments of a universal or regional nature that set forth the new regulatory conditions, as occurs with investment or free trade agreements, e.g. the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Central America and the Dominican Republic, CAFTA-DR, the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, or the European Union Central American Association Agreement.

Analysis and Drafting of Legislation

Economic, political, social, and cultural dynamics, both at the national and international sphere, have motivated people, companies, academia, and other members of society to demand legal standards that are of a better quality, and which are updated for our times; ones which are not constrained to merely regulating situations without a forward-looking approach, or which do not provide solutions applicable to our ever-changing reality.

Labor Law

Compliance with labor laws, social security obligations, and occupational health and safety are key to the success of any company.

We provide our clients consultancy services on collective bargaining processes, labor lawsuits, and administrative and judicial labor arbitration. We provide guidance to our clients on the application of labor and social security regulations, answering any questions that they may have in this regard.

Intellectual Property

At Novis Legal Studio, we count with the experience and capability to provide comprehensive protection for our clients’ Intellectual Property, supporting their creativity, innovation, and effort.

Banking and Credit Cards

Local and international financial transactions are necessary for the day-to-day activities of persons and businesses. Our vision is to collaborate with local and international banking institutions and their clients to better structure lines of credit and/or loans with innovative types of collateral that help lower costs and thus benefiting all parties to the transaction. We have expertise on trust-based securities, pledged bonds, and secured transactions, among others, ensuring their enforcement if deemed necessary.